
就醬 南非 阿密特 猴硐 利得彙 

楊秀珠 (憂鬱症)?片: My name is Joyce Yeo Siew Choo, female, from Singapore. I am 49 years old. I work as an admin assistant.2. Generally I am in good health. I actually accompany my mum here for treatment. In 2001 when my mum had a stroke, I have to quit my job to look after her. Then my mensus got lesser. By 2003, I completely don’t have any mensus. I was getting very sweaty and occasionally some hot flashes. I simply got some menopause supplements to eat.3. During this period, I started having slight depression. In 2005 June, I felt more depressed. I even had to call up the volunteer group SAGE for help. I did not see any doctors or take any medicine for this. I was advised by SAGE volunteer not to worry and socialize more.4. My brother happened to see an advertisement on 8/12/2006 the Straits Times Newspaper and cut it out. We thought it was for normal exercise. We never bordered about it. Til I saw it again on 10/12/06) and called up Samuel. I was told they are conducting a healing session in Kluang for 15 days. I was in quite a panick because my mum’s kidneys malfunction was very bad and may need water dialysis. So I told my manager on 10/12/06 night and told her I need to apply for leave from 12/12/06 to 27/12/06 or I quit immediately. My manager finally allowed me to go on a 4 days paid leave and 7 days unpaid leave.5. I was quite worried as I have never met Samuel and this is the 1st time we made this type of decision. But I have faith in Lord Buddha and I only wanted to heal my mum. I am glad I made the correct decision. ZNQG healed my mum and also healed me. Yu Yang laosi gives qi 3 times a day to us. On the 2nd day, 14/12/06 more rashes appeared on my neck and my left armpit. He said this is reaction to qi, The rashes was very itchy. But by 13th day the rashes appeared lesser.6. after 13 days of ZNQG practices and qi given by Yu Yang laosi, we were even taught a few methods of healing others. I felt very good and honoured to have met Samuel and also Yu Yang laosi and his family. I feel good with the qi around us and all the friends I have met here.7. ZNQG has taught me to understand my mind and be a master of my mind. I like this course very much beside learning qiqong exercises, we still learn about the understanding of ZNQG.8. I truly believe ZNQG have healed my body, mind and soul. I feel a different person now.9. my wish is for Yu Yang laosi and other laosi to train more ZNQG laosi and to heal more people and get more people to learn about ZNQG. Long live ZNQG!新加坡 黎 芳 翻譯1)我名叫楊秀珠,女性,新加坡人,我今年49歲,我是一名行政助理。2).我身體基本上沒有什麼嚴重病痛,其實我這次是陪我母親來接受氣功治療的。在2001年,因為母親中風,我辭掉了工作,專心照我母親,我的月經也開始減少了,到了2003年,月經就完全停止了,我經常會自己冒汗,皮膚偶而會出現紅疹,很痒,我就服用一些更年期的藥物。3).就在這同一個時期,我開始患上了憂鬱症。到2005年,我的憂鬱症加重了,我曾經向心理輔導中心求助,我沒有去看醫生,也沒有吃藥,心理輔導中心的人勸我不要擔心,多和社會接觸。4).我哥哥2006年12月8日,在新加坡的報紙上看到了智能氣功的廣告,就把它剪下來了。我們以為這只不過是一般的保健運動,就沒有加以理會。在2006年12月10號我又在報紙上看到了這一個廣告,我就撥電話給登報的劉老師,知道了馬來西亞居?會有一個15天的智能氣功康復班,我那時候因為母親的腎不好,又需要“洗腎”,使得我很緊張、很慌亂。當晚我就打電話向老板請假,如果他不批准,我就只好辭職。老闆最後還是同意我拿4天的假,7天的無薪假期。5).我還是有些擔心,因為沒有見過劉老師,這也是我有生以來第一次這麼匆忙地決定一件事,不過我認為這是神的指引,我很有信心。而我所要求的只是治好我母親的病。現在我很高興,認為當時我做了一個明智的決定,因為智能氣功治好了我后母親!余洋老師每天給我們調氣3次,第二天 ( 2006年12月14日) ,我的頸部和腋下出現了很多紅疹,紅疹很痒,老師說這是反應,到了第3天,紅疹就減少了很多。6).?加了余老師13天的智能氣功康復班,一方面接受老師的調氣,老師也教我們如何治自己和幫別人治病的方法,我很榮幸我認識到了劉老師,余洋老師和他的家人。我對智能氣功的感覺很好,也很高興認識了許多朋友。7).智能氣功教會我如何了解自己的意識和如何控制自己意識。我很喜歡這個康復班的課程,我不只是學會了智能氣功各種功法,也懂得了很多智能氣功的道理。8).我絕對相信智能氣功可以調整我的“身”、“心”、“靈”。這些天來,我感覺智能氣功把我改變成了另外一個人了。9).我希望余洋老師和其他老師可以訓練更多的老師出來,讓這些老師們可以幫更多的人治病,幫更多的人認識智能氣功!智能氣功萬歲!



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